(11 March 2022) – WTA Dr. JJ Pan, Eiichiro Mandai, and Kenying Tseng participated APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM1)- Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG) and Data Subgroup Meeting (DPS) on February 16~17 to report the amendment of the Guidelines of Trustmark Operations (GTOs) which set up the benchmark of Ecommerce trustmark certifiers and baseline of Ecommerce trustmark operations since 2003 and updated in 2008.

The review was led by advisor, Richard Chen, participated alphabetically by Acxiom US, CommerceNet Singapore, Cybersecurity Malaysia, EBS China, TradeSafe Japan, HKFEC Chinese Hong Kong, and Leeandli Chinese Taipei. Based on the criteria of Measurability, Specification, Feasibility, Cross-border capability. APEC cross-border privacy rules (CBPRs) were also heavily referenced in conjunction with the review.
The new contents were proposed according to the examined criteria and experienced trustmark certifiers. Furthermore, the assessment criteria of cross-border trustmarks was also provided. Implementation will further ensure the consistency of trustmark certification process across the world.
The updated Guidelines and Criteria will be officially released after Annual Meeting and Global Trust Summit during 2022. The updated Guidelines, Criteria and Global Trust Summit are expected to have further impacts and exploration on not only the trustmark certification but also on the paradigm shifting of digital trading and cross-border Ecommerce.
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